There are five different types of augmented reality which broadly lie in two broad categories. The two broad categories are Trigger-Based AR and View-Based AR. Trigger-based AR has a characteristic that it gets triggered or initiates whenever it found the trigger. A Trigger can be anything like a 2D picture printed on a paper or a 3D model or a specific location (GPS location) etc. The second form of augmented reality is View-Based AR which renders the 3D content without the reference to what is in the view. Let’s try to understand the different types of augmented reality in more detail.
Marker Based AR — Paper
Comparison of Marker-based (paper) AR using AR Kit and Vuforia
2D marker-based AR or marker-based AR-paper is also known as Image recognition based AR. Here Markers are usually distinct visual patterns that are distinct from the environment and can be easily recognized and processed by the camera. Usually, in marker-based augmented reality, AR is triggered whenever a marker is recognized based on some pre-defined logic. In the case of 2D marker-based AR, these markers are images printed on paper. A very well-known example of this AR is done by Esquire Magazine asking the user to scan the front page which brings Robert Downet Jr Comes live on-page.
Marker Based AR — Object
Marker-Based AR (Object) using AR Kit
This form of AR is commonly known as Object Detection-based AR. As stated above marker-based AR requires a marker to trigger the AR. In the case of object-based marker-based AR, augmented reality is triggered with the help of a real 3D object. For this, the 3D structure of the object acts as a marker. This type of AR gives rise to another form of AR commonly known as Superimposition Based AR. As the name suggests it is the superimposition of the object. AR provides a new and replaced view of the real-world object which acted as a marker.
Location Based AR
Wikitude Drive AR navigation system, Augmented reality mobile navigation
Location-based AR ties AR to a specific place. Virtual 3D objects or information are anchored to location and then displayed according to user input when a user enters to that location. Pokémon Go is a very popular example of location-based Augmented Reality. Another good example of location-based AR is AR navigation and tourist guide.
Marker Less AR
Comparison of Marker-less AR using AR Kit and Vuforia.
This type of AR is more versatile than marker-based AR, it doesn’t require any marker 2D or 3D object to trigger. It relies on the positional information gathered from the device using a camera, GPS, digital compass, accelerometer. These data inputs build a 3D understanding of the realtime environment around the user using a process known as SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping) and depth prediction.
Projection Based AR
Live demo of projection-based AR.
Advanced projectors can be used to create an immersive new layer of information over a flat surface. It doesn’t require user-operated technology. It provides a new futuristic experience. The widespread uses of projection-based AR techniques can be used to create deception about the position, orientation, and depth of an object.